Price Changes for 2023

Notification of 2023 price changes

Over the last 12 months we have seen our suppliers increase their costs to us but have managed to absorb most of this to reduce the impact it has on our customers. Unfortunately, January 2023 has seen another rise and regrettably for the first time since we opened our doors in 2010, we need to pass some of these additional costs on.

This is not a decision we have taken lightly and recognise that a price increase is never welcome, however, we wish to maintain the high level of service you receive from us.

As of the 10th May 2023 monthly and annual service fees will increase by 8%. This is lower than the current RPI of 13.8% (as at Feb. 2023).

For example if your service fee is £15.00 this will increase to £16.20 .

If you wish to contact us about the above please call our customer service team on 01442 442 442 or via email at [email protected].